Each year, we ask for nominations of outstanding individuals who have helped make the season great!

Awards are available for both our integrated Bulldogs programs and our female Wildcats programs. There are three category of awards: Player Awards, Goaltender Awards, Team Staff Awards.

These awards are presented each year at a special ceremony after the conclusion of the season.

Nominations can be accepted from everyone, including our team officials, general membership and the community.

Additional information is encouraged to assist in the selection of deserving individuals for our awards. Attachments can also be provided if this can help support your nomination.

You can nominate an individual in more than one category.

** To be eligible, the individuals must be a registered member in good standing with the BMHA


1. Gary Boyle Memorial Award – Sportsmanship, Character & Hockey Ability

2. Most Valuable Female Player

3. Alfred Balfry Memorial Award – $1000 Bursary – Must be Grade 12 Student – Team Play, Character, Sportsmanship & Hockey Ability. Those nominated will be contacted for additional information.


1. Most Valuable Goaltender – Rep

2. Terry MacLean Memorial Award – Most Valuable Goaltender – House

3. Jack Gilroy Award – Outstanding Goaltender – U11 House

4. Most Valuable Female Goaltender


1. Don Boyd Memorial Award – Service to the Association

2. Rep Coach of the Year

3. House Coach of the Year

4. Female Team Coach of the Year

5, Tony Marzitelli Memorial Award – Outstanding Team Manager

6. Safety Award – Outstanding HCSP volunteers in the area of safety and risk management at the team level.

Nomination Deadline for 2022-23 Season is March 26, 2023

Click here to nominate