The overall safety of BC Hockey participants is our top priority and to provide resources to those involved in hockey via an online e-learning course for parents, coaches, officials and safety people involved is helping hockey return.

Hockey Canada has developed an online course to inform players, parents, safety people, officials and coaches on how to navigate the challenges presented by COVID-19 called: ‘Planning a Safe Return to Hockey’.

The course is mandatory for: coaches, safety people and officials prior to registering for the 2020-21 season. It is also available and suggested for parents to educate themselves regarding the protocols in place for their child(ren).

This course takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and there is no charge. The ‘Planning a Safe Return to Hockey’ course can be accessed through the Hockey University platform HERE.

Following the course, the participant Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) profile will be updated. Please complete the five (5) question survey at the end of the course in order to be issued your certification for the course.

For any further information or questions, please email: