Regarding the upcoming election for the 2021/22 BMHA Executive Committee at our Annual General Meeting (date & details will be announced soon), please find below an update on the various Executive Committee positions, when its term ends (i.e., term ending AGM 2022 is a one-year term; term ending AGM 2023 is a two-year term), current portfolio**, the intention of current board members and if nominations are being accepted:

  • President: Remaining term ending AGM 2022. New nominees welcome.
  • 1st VP: Term complete. New term ending AGM 2023.Current portfolio “A” Hockey. New nominees welcome.
  • 2nd VP: Existing term ending AGM 2022. Cheryl Reesor intends to complete the term. Current portfolio “Risk Management”
  • 3rd VP: Term complete. New term ending 2023. Previous incumbent Keith Renfrey intends to renew/run for re-election. Current portfolio “C” Hockey U11 C and U15 C . New nominees also welcome.
  • Head Coach: Term complete. New term ending 2023. Previous incumbent Joe Wansink intends to renew/run for election. New nominees also welcome.
  • Treasurer: Term Complete. New term ending 2023. New nominees welcome.
  • 1st Director: Term Complete. New term ending 2023. Previous incumbent Joe Rochetta intends to renew/run for re-election. Current portfolio “C” Hockey U15.  New nominees also welcome.
  • 2nd Director: Remaining term ending AGM 2022. Current portfolio “Female” Hockey. New nominees welcome.
  • 3rd Director: Existing term ending AGM 2022. Andrew Spence intends to complete term. Current portfolio “C” Hockey U18 C and U21.


** Note – The duties of each BMHA Executive Committee position is outlined in Part 12 of the BMHA Constitution & Bylaws.  At this time, the specific duties of the Vice President and Director at Large positions are assigned by the BMHA Executive Committee following the elections.  An amendment to the BMHA Bylaws is being proposed that will specify duties of the Vice President and Director at Large positions.  If this amendment is successful, this would come into effect for the 2022/23 season. 


If you have any questions or If you are interested in putting your name forward for election, please contact Larry Hayes, Executive Administrator at