Each year, the Burnaby Minor Hockey Association recognizes the achievements of our members with their annual awards. We are asking team coaches, team officials, BMHA and community members to nominate those you think deserve special recognition.


If you wish to nominate someone, please fill out a BMHA Award Nomination Form 2020-21 and email or mail to the Awards Committee (Email: admin@burnabyminor.com with BMHA Awards in the subject line or Mail: PO Box 44106, Burnaby, BC V5B 1S2). As a nominator, you must provide the Awards Committee with clear and detailed reasons why you are nominating this person for an award. Additional attachments that would assist the Awards Committee are permitted and encouraged. The application deadline is March 14th, 2021.


The following 2020/21 BMHA awards are open for nomination:

General Player Awards

  • Gary Boyle Memorial Award – Sportsmanship, Character & Hockey Ability
  • Alfred Balfry Memorial Award – registered BMHA Grade 12 Student in good standing – Team Play, Sportsmanship & Hockey Ability – Bursary of $1000

Association Awards

  • Don Boyd Memorial Award – Service to the Association
  • Rep Coach of the Year
  • House Coach of the Year
  • Female Team Coach of the Year
  • Tony Marzitelli Memorial Award – Outstanding Team Manager
  • Safety Award – *New This Year* – Outstanding volunteers in the area of safety and risk management at the team level. During this exceptional season, it is timely to establish this first-time award to recognize team HCSP’s who have stepped up to ensure that everyone is safe. We want to recognize their contribution of time, attention to health check completion and the implementation of all BMHA safety protocols, including the BMHA COVID-19 “Return to Play” Plan.
  • COVID Volunteer Award – *New This Year* – Outstanding volunteers who have dedicated their time to ensure that all of our BMHA COVID-19 “Return to Play” Plan protocols were implemented consistently and fully

Note:  Due to the circumstances of our 2020/21 season, our other player and team awards will not be presented this year.