Nominations are now being accepted for the following BMHA Executive Committee positions*:


  1. President (one position – one year term)
  2. 1st Vice President (one position – two year term)
  3. 3rd Vice President (one position – two year term)
  4. Head Coach (one position – two year term)
  5. Treasurer (one position – two year term)
  6. Director at Large (one position – two year term)
  7. Director at Large (one position – one year term)

*list of positions updated April 9


The BMHA Nominating Committee is accepting names of those persons who may be interested in putting their name forward for election to the 2021/22 BMHA Executive Committee in accordance with our BMHA By-Laws:

 “8.5 Nominations of Directors

A Member in good standing may be nominated for election as a Director in accordance with the following rules and such additional policies as may be established by the Executive:

(a) A nomination must be in writing and signed by the Member being nominated and at least two (2) other Members in good standing;

(b) All nominations must be submitted to the Association prior to the call to order for the General Meeting.

 No nominations from the floor will be permitted.”


** Note – The duties of each BMHA Executive Committee position is outlined in Part 12 of the BMHA Constitution & Bylaws.  At this time, the specific duties of the Vice President and Director at Large positions are assigned by the BMHA Executive Committee following the elections.  An amendment to the BMHA Bylaws is being proposed that will specify duties of the Vice President and Director at Large positions.  If this amendment is successful, this would come into effect for the 2022/23 season.  The date of our 2020/21 Annual General Meeting is yet to be determined.



If you are interested in putting your name forward for election to any of the above-noted BMHA Executive Committee positions, please forward your intention to the BMHA Nominating Committee at as soon as possible and a nomination form will be forwarded to you.  Thank you!